Faunal Cluster ID Tool

1. Download template

.csv Template

3. ID Faunal groups

This tool matches new macrofaunal data to the existing faunal cluster groups identified in Cooper and Barry (2017, http://rdcu.be/wi6C). For a full decription of the app methodology see Cooper (2019, <insert link to paper>).

The physical cluster group shown in the Results tab is also based on work of Cooper and Barry (2017). Sampling stations are partitioned into 10 groups based on a k-means clustering of physical variables (Salinity, Temperature, Chlorophyll a, Suspended Particulate Matter, Water depth, Wave Orbital Velocity, Average current, Stress and Suspended Particulate Matter). Within the app, test sample coordinates are used to extract the physical cluster group from a 100% coverage geotiff file. This file was created using Random Forest modelling of point sample data. Knowledge of the physical cluster group identity of sampling stations is required for the Regional Seabed Monitoring Programme (RSMP).